Selinda and Kwando Private Concessions in Linyanti

© Elephants and hippos at Duma Tau Camp. Linyanti River
The Selinda Reserve in Botswana is a small, private wildlife management area located along the Selinda Spillway, which links the Okavango Delta with the Linyanti Swamps.

It is outstanding big game country with abundant Elephant and Antelope, a high concentration of cats and plenty of Hippo and Crocodile in the Linyanti River.

The scenery is rich with gigantic shade trees, palm groves and solitary Baobab trees plus bushland and grass floodplains. Visitors will never forget the nightly sunsets as the domed blue-sky tumbles into evening colours vividly reflected in the river.Owner-run Linyanti Explorations operate small exclusive tented camps in this private reserve, and only a limited number of guests are privileged to this intimate safari experience in the finest African traditions.An abundance of animals are to be seen on walks and game drives with plentiful Elephant, Lion, Cheetah, Hyena, Giraffe, Zebra, Wildebeest, Kudu, Impala, Hippo, Sable, Wild Dog and Lechwe. Night spotlight drives reveal an abundance of nocturnal species. Guests are also invited to take part in monthly game counts. Birdlife is simply stunning too.

Kwando Concession

The Kwando Concession is located along the Kwando River (which later becomes the Linyanti and then the Chobe). The river disperses into the Linyanti Marshes, which is a permanent patchwork of reed beds, wetlands, palm-tree islands and open plains.The combination of marshes, seasonal floodplains, savannah and wooded mopane scrubland make this an ideal assortment of terrain for a wide range of animals. Species such as Lechwe, Impala, Kudu, Zebra, Wildebeest and Buffalo attract Lion and endangered Wild Dog. You can also expect to see a lot of Elephants, Giraffe, Hippo and Crocodile.Kwando Safaris run 2 remote camps in the Kwando Concession, which offer the visitor a fabulous safari experience.


Dry Season

The dry season is from May to October and waterholes dry up. Animals then congregate in large numbers by the river. Foliage dies down and animals become easily visible. By late October temperatures are high and the air is heavy with expectant rain.

Rainy Season

Summer rains usually fall from November to March and bring high humidity and hot temperatures. Mosquitoes breed well in these conditions so anti-malarial precautions are necessary.

Lagoon Camp

Enjoy a beautiful forested setting humming with wildlife on a Botswana Safari at Kwando Lagoon Camp, which overlooks the Kwando River and Na...more

Lebala Camp

Lebala Camp sits on the floodplains of the Kwando River in the huge (232, 000 hectare) Kwando Concession, renowned for its large elephant an...more

Zarafa Camp

Zarafa Camp is intimate and exclusive. This Botswana safari camp is situated in Selinda Reserve at the edge of a lagoon that is the source o...more
Botswana Safari Tours and Game Lodges
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