Mashatu Tented Camp
Mashatu Game Reserve, Tuli Block, Botswana

Mashatu Tented Camp blends into the natural wonderland that is Mashatu Game Reserve, so you can really be at one with nature.

Your Botswana Safari Lodge Experience

  • Lodging: Accommodation is provided in 8 private luxury twin bedded tents
  • Location: Situated in Mashatu Game Reserve, northeastern Tuli, Botswana
  • Activities: 4X4 night drives, walking safaris, mountain biking

Mashatu Game Reserve, located in the remote eastern corner of Botswana, at the confluence of the Limpopo and Shashe rivers, is a diverse wilderness of savannah, riverine forests, open plains, marshland and sandstone outcrops. Mashatu is also home to no less than seven of Africa's giants: the African Elephant, the Lion, Giraffe, the Baobab tree, the Eland, the Ostrich, and the Kori Bustard, the world's heaviest flying bird.

Accommodation at Mashatu Tented Camp consists of 8 luxury twin bedded tents with en-suite shower and toilet, fan, insect-proof screening on tent openings and insect repellent. Along the river courses, huge Mashatu trees provide shade for Eland, Impala, Wildebeest and Zebra, whilst at night, the Bat Eared Fox, African Wildcat and the magnificent Leopard search for prey.

Mashatu Game Reserve proudly provides a refuge for the largest, single population of Elephant on privately owned land in Africa. Known as the relic herds of Shashe, these Elephants are the last living testament of the great herds that once populated the meandering Limpopo Valley.

Child Policy

No children under the age of 12 are allowed at Mashatu Tent Camp.

Booking Mashatu Tented Camp

Botswana Safari Tours and Game Lodges
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