Fishing in the Okavango Delta

© Tiger Fishing in the Okavango. Nxasameri Island
A journey from the Botswana Journals of Leigh Kemp into to the heart of the Okavango Delta's rich game fishing region.

Ntsarelangwan Lagoon - Okavango Delta

The clouds of the new season reflected on the water, rippling as the hippo splashed and grunted their disapproval at my presence. A herd of more than three hundred buffalo were grazing and moving slowly toward the river not more than fifty meters from where I was standing.I was standing at the edge of Ntsarelangwan Lagoon which was hidden from the Boro channel by the trees of a small island. At times during the winter months the lagoon is part of a greater body of water but during the summer months it is a separate entity, a beautiful paradise hidden from view by the trees of surrounding islands.

A fish eagle shouted from beyond the Boro and then there was silence, the beautiful silence of absolute peace. I watched an elephant amble slowly to the water on the opposite side of the pool, paying me no heed.

The hippos had settled, stilling the water to a perfect reflection of trees, clouds and sky.

After a long while and wary of the crocodiles sunning themselves on the sand I walked slowly into the water, trying not to disturb the moment. The hippo watched me intently, before splashing off in a show of irritation. I do not remember what success I had fishing. It did not Leigh Kemp
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