The Kalahari has played on the minds and passions of explorers and adventurers for centuries and in particular the area located in the center of Botswana, for this is what is considered the true reflection of the Kalahari Desert. Some have tried to farm the area but due to lack of surface water the enterprises have failed.
Today the Central Kalahari region is in the news again with the Bushmen people fighting for their rights to the land that was set aside for them in the 1960's. Tourism, farming concerns and mining prospectors are eying the vast reserve.
Kalahari Journals: December 07: 'Deception valley is alive with antelope, very young springbok lambs are tottering around .... the grass in all the valleys is lush after the rains and the jackals are satiated with all the meat from the birth mortalities. It is a time of plenty in the Central Kalahari - a far cry from the dry season when the herds have spread out and the predators need to range further to hunt'.
By Leigh Kemp