Activities at Muchenje Safari Lodge

There are over 300 different birds in the area, many of these close to the lodge itself. Many bird watchers come specifically to this area.

Activities at Muchenje Safari Lodge are very flexible and include early morning game drives into the Chobe National Park, early morning game walks on Muchenje land and a tour of a local ethnic village.

All day game drives combined with river cruises and lunch, through Chobe National Park and onto the Chobe River. There are afternoon game drives into the Chobe National Park and after dinner night game drives in the Chobe Forest Reserve.

Guests can also partake in mountain biking which is supervised by guides, and fishing for Tiger Fish and Bream can be arranged. The bird life around Muchenje Safari Lodge is fantastic. From Pel's Fishing Owls to Fish Eagles; from Lappet faced Vultures to Bataleur Eagles, Augur Buzzards, and Lilac Breasted Rollers; there are too many birds to name.

There are over 300 species of birds and 75 species of mammals with Lion, Leopard, Elephant, Buffalo, Giraffe, Zebra, Sable and numerous other species. Chobe is world famous for its huge herds of Elephant and Buffalo.


  • Village visit
  • Night Eyes!
  • Bush Walks
  • Bird watching
  • Mountain bikes
  • Full day game drives
  • Afternoon game drives
  • Early morning game drives
  • Chobe River cruise (with lunch)

Booking Muchenje Safari Lodge

Botswana Safari Tours and Game Lodges
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