A mokoro is a dugout canoe, traditional watercraft of the Okavango. A mokoro accommodates two guests and the poler, who is also your guide. Your guide on arrival will meet you, and this guide will remain yours for the duration of your stay.
All the guides at Delta Camp are born and bred in the Okavango, and many have worked at Delta Camp close on 20 years (in the Senkapau family, they are on the 3rd generation). The guides are very experienced and skilled, and your experience with us will depend to a large extent on the relationship you strike up with your guide.
Excursions usually start by mokoro, after which you will walk on some of the larger islands in the area. Walking will be an integral and significant part of your experience at any time of year, although the extent of your walks will depend on your tastes.
Guests usually go out in the early morning, having a late breakfast on their return, and again in the afternoon after the midday heat has dissipated, but some select to go out for the whole day with a packed lunch and come back into Delta Camp in the late afternoon.