The Moremi Landscape

The eco-system of Moremi Game Reserve is known for its diversity and abundance of wildlife. Historically the area thrived without human interference and as such it is one of the greatest wildlife attractions that Botswana has to offer.

Today the Moremi Reserve has gained much acclaim due to the prominence of the positive, eco-centric attitudes in tourism that prevails in the region.

The reserve covers much of central and eastern Botswana and although it is less than 5000 square kilometers in size, the diversity of this floodplain ecosystem is amazing, with areas of Mopane and Acacia forests, flood plains and lagoons. Approximately 30% of the area consists of dry land with the majority of the land being covered by the Okavango Delta. The two largest landmasses are the Mopane Tongue and Chiefs Island.

The landscape undergoes changes with the seasons. During the rains, Moremi is transformed into a natural paradise. There are over 1000 plant species in Moremi and consequently this area attracts a vast amount of birdlife as well. The most apparent vegetation that covers much of the area is the resilient Mopane tree - Colophospermum mopane - which is easily identified by its thick trunk and gracefully arching branches with butterfly shaped leaves.

Stretches of Acacia also feature quite prominently in Moremi. During the rainy season water birds and forest dwellers inhabit their respective environments and birders will delight in discovering an abundance of species such as: African Fish Eagles, Jacana's, Kingfishers, Bradfield's hornbill, Wattled Cranes, Coppery-tailed coucals and many more.

For those who wish to experience the exciting variety of wildlife in Moremi, the dry season is considered to be the best time to visit. This is simply because most of Botswana is arid and in the Delta water is available year-around. During the rains, the water levels are considerably higher making the area uninhabitable for many species and rather inaccessible for travellers.

Among the herbivores found in the region the more common would be; Elephant, Giraffe, Buffalo, Wildebeest, Impala, Kudu, Zebra, Lechwe, Waterbuck and Steenbok. The elusive Sitatunga is found deeper in the thickets of the lagoon areas.

Roan Antelope and Eland are also found but are much less common in this area. Of the predators, guests will be glad to know that large populations of Leopard occur here, though they are rarely seen as these cats are solitary, nocturnal hunters and are not easily spotted during the day. Other hunters and scavengers include: Lion, Cheetah, Hyena and Wild Dog and Jackals.

The successful re-introduction of Black and White Rhino to the area is a testament to the hard work that Moremi has done, and why this area receives such acclaim. The area represents a truly rewarding safari experience uninterrupted by human influence and commercial progress, where guests are able to fully appreciate this Eden in Africa.

Botswana Safari Tours and Game Lodges
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