Let me explain this: if a person is totally oblivious to potential danger in the bush, they will get away with it, as some force of nature looks after them.
This theory is based on personal experiences with guests that have done seemingly unbelievably stupid things in the wilds but have not been harmed. The case of the nocturnal Japanese lady bears me out, but it has to be said that my theory is wholly unproven.
A Japanese group were staying at Nxabega Safari Lodge in the Okavango Delta in the lodge and one lady kept on asking me about nightjars and when the best time would be to see them. I explained to her that, although common, it was not always possible to see these nocturnal birds and staying up through the night would be the best way to guarantee seeing them - but added quickly that it would, however, also be the best way to be devoured by a lion.
On the last morning of their stay the lodge groundsman woke me up just after 4 am to tell me that one of the guests was walking around the camp. In disbelief I rushed out my tent and followed him along the path towards the workshop. About 50 m down the path he stopped and pointed into the bush where the nightjar lady was standing looking up into the trees.
'Hah ha'o Mister Lee' she greeted me brightly 'I look for nigh-jar in dark like you say'.
'Ummm how long you been looking', I asked without wanting to know the answer.
'Auh the who'e night a'so like you say but velly difficult to find'. I stood staring in disbelief, and barely heard her say 'and the lion not deflowa me'.
By Leigh Kemp