When the Rains Finally Arrive in the Okavango
Okavango Safari Guide Experiences
© Soon this flood plain will be under water
Many people with ties to the wilderness talk of the moment the first rains of the new season fall on the dry earth of the Okavango Pan-handle - and will describe the scent of the moment. It is truly a seminal moment in the cycle of the seasons.The rain may fall in the afternoon of a steaming day, in a light smattering or a rush of a storm, there may be thunderous accompaniment or soothing lethargy of soft dripping.
First Rains
But there is a time when the first rains will fall during the hours of pre dawn, the build up hidden in the hours of darkness, hidden from sight but followed in the senses of those whose souls are controlled by the seasons.
The rumbling of thunder, distant at first, rises to a cacophonic explosion as the rain approaches.
Distant rains.
Listening to the first rains of the season falling in the early hours of the morning is one of the most sensual moments in the wilderness.
As the thunder softens into the distance the morning lightens into a washed land, celebrating in vigorous birdsong and reflected light - and the air is filled with celebratory scents, scents that overwhelm the emotions.
By Leigh Kemp