Shinde Concession
Okavango Delta, Botswana

The Shinde region of the Okavango has many deep lagoons and is the ideal spot to go on a Mokoro ride during your Okavango safari. There are many Sitatunga in this region and you may see Spotty Necked Otters and Hippos. In the drier areas near the acacia thickets, you'll see Giraffe.

The Shinde area of the Okavango is a wonderful area for a photographic safari. This region of the Okavango is on Moremi's north eastern side. The region has large areas of permanent swamp and many deep channels. There are lots of deep lagoons that are perfect for Mekoro trips.

The area around Shinde has quite a high concentration of wildlife, but the rest of the area is a bit too wet for big game.


This region of the Delta is very wet with several deep channels which have permanent water. These are edged by thick banks of papyrus and there are palm islands which are dominated by tall palm trees and giant indigenous figs. The plants in the region are typical of the Delta with African Mangosteens, Jackalberry, Date Palms and Terminalia trees.


The region has many Lechwe as this is the perfect habitat for them. This is also one of the best areas to try and see the elusive Sitatunga on your Okavango safari. The area has thickets of Acacia that attract Giraffe and large breeding herds of Elephants pass through in the dry season.

There are many Hippopotamus in the swamps and tranquil back lagoons. The chances are good that you will see Spotty Necked Otters.

There are not many predators in this region as they prefer to stick to the drier areas on the fringe of the Delta, but occasionally Lion and Hyena are seen.


The birdlife in this area is typical of most of the Okavango with many water species. Look out for Slaty's Egrets and Jacanas as well as many different species Dabchicks.

When to Visit

The camps in this area can offer water based activities year round as this is a permanent area of the Delta. The game viewing is good year round, but is better in the dry season. It can rain a lot in the wet season which may limit your activities.


At the camps in this area you can enjoy all the water activities in the Delta such as boating and Mekoro trips which are good for birding. These are often combined with walking trips on the islands.

The camps in this region offer game drives in drier areas where you will see more big game such as Buffalo, Wildebeest and Elephant. As this is a private concession night game drives are also allowed and you can see how active the animals are at night.

Safari in Shinde Concession

Camp Okavango

Camp Okavango offers guests exclusive Botswana safari accommodation in the heart of the Okavango Delta....more

Shinde Camp

Shinde Island Camp, a game lodge in Botswana, offers sophistication and excellent service. This Okavango Delta accommodation is ideal for a ...more
Botswana Safari Tours and Game Lodges
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